Which is the best web hosting?
Web hosting is generally used to host websites and it includes hosting the webpage. Several companies provide various types of web hosting services such as managed hosting, cloud hosting, and virtual private server. Web hosting allows each individual, organization, and business to host their website. It is a data center space allocated to each website and once it is hosted, the visitor is able to access your website after it is interconnected to a server. All they have to do is enter the name of the domain and search for it on Google. Hostinger is one of the best service providers in India. It offers certain plans to the customers to host your application on with premium bandwidth.
The entire servers provided by Hostinger are connected with 1 GBPS speed and are protected with Firewall protection. Hostinger offers 4 types of hosting plans such as:
1. Basic Web Hosting
2. Standard Web Hosting
3. Advance Web Hosting
4. Ultimate Web Hosting
Web hosting services are open for every type of organization whether it is a small business, medium business, or large business organization. These services will include certain features like:
1. It offers instant setup. The team will instantly activate the website after getting deployed on a registered mail id.
2. Every Web Hosting plan comes with 1 free shared IPv4 Address, If you need Dedicated IPv4 Addresses simply choose from Add ons or open a support ticket in the Client Area.
3. Hostinger offers free support and full backup depending upon the plans.
4. Hostinger are open to the people who want to migrate their sites. If you are new to the cPanel then the team will support to migrate as complementary support from an existing website to a new panel platform
If you are looking to opt for these services, then you put your query with your existing website. The team will come up with the best possible plans as per your requirement.
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