What Is Network Security and its types?

What Is Network Security?

Developing a comprehensive defensive strategy to protect a company’s data and resources throughout its network is referred to as network security. It safeguards the company from any potential threats or unauthorized entry. No matter the firm’s size, sector, or infrastructure, network security solutions shield it from the escalating threat of cyberattacks.

Many different technologies, equipment, and procedures make up network security. It alludes to guidelines and settings created to safeguard computer networks and their data. Network security, software, and hardware technologies are used to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of these machines.

It can be secure only when a network has all three essential elements—confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The CIA triad is an established standard for developing any firm’s network security policy.

Network design is getting more sophisticated in a world where the internet of things (IoT) is the new standard. Hackers continually advancing and looking for new ways to identify and exploit weaknesses provide a persistent threat to this system. There are vulnerabilities in various areas, including individuals, locations, devices, data, apps, and other data. Even a brief duration of interruption might result in high costs.

Type of network security vulnerabilities

Understanding the network’s susceptibility is essential before looking at various security assaults and how network security helps prevent them. Any weakness allows hackers to access infrastructure, set up malware, and even steal and alter data, if not destroy or erase it. These weaknesses include:

Missing data encryption: Software may occasionally transfer or store sensitive data without encrypting or otherwise protecting it.

Operating system command injection: A hacker can execute a random OS using operating system command injection, damaging the server hosting the program, and seriously jeopardizing its functionality.

SQL injection: An SQL injection is used by a hacker to intercept server queries that an application sends.

Missing authentication: Sometimes a piece of software will not authenticate the user or the resources being used.

Unrestricted upload of dangerous file types: Unrestricted upload of hazardous file types, when a program allows a hacker to upload hazardous files and run them on the program’s environment, is another typical form of network security vulnerability.

Other vulnerabilities: Weak passwords, buffer overflows, missing authorization, cross-site scripting and forgeries, downloading of code without integrity checks, application of flawed algorithms, URL rerouting to shady websites, path traversal, and bugs are among the other vulnerabilities.


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