Helpful Homeopathy For Controlling Diabetes

What is homeopathy, and how does it work?

It targets the entire body rather than the affected part of the body. Homeopathic practitioners ask patients questions based on their diet, lifestyle, other possible symptoms, history of diseases in the family, environment, work, stress levels, basic behaviour, habits, etc. They then make a detailed profile of the patient based on the answers and then prescribe treatment.

No two patients ever receive the same treatment, and prescriptions are tailored to each patient’s needs. Homeopathic treatment is, thus, a time-consuming process, and several sessions may be required for the patient to give his or her detailed information to the practitioner.

Homeopathy For Diabetics

The drug is diluted to such a level that only a small amount of the original substance remains. Since only a trace amount is present in actual doses, homeopathic medicines cause little or no side effects.

Homeopathic doctors prescribe the medicine in different forms, namely

sugar balls






Homeopathy manages diabetes by treating the aberrations in the patients body due to imbalance in the life force.

Homeopathy Treatment For Diabetics involves treating the symptoms caused by high sugar levels in the blood. Symptoms common to most diabetics are,

Homeopathy Treatment For Diabetics involves treating the symptoms caused by high sugar levels in the blood. Symptoms common to most diabetics are,

Homeopathic Medicines For Diabetes

The most common medicines used in homeopathic treatment of diabetes, given to deal with its symptoms and control complications arising out of high blood sugar, are as follows:

Phosphoric Acid: Helps with frequent urination at night, hair loss, erectile dysfunction, confusion, headache and memory loss.

Conium (hemlock): Helps with numbness and nerve damage in the body, arms, legs and feet due to high blood sugar.

It also helps with insomnia.

S. Cumini or Syzygium Jambolanum (Black Plum): Deals with excessive urination, weakness, ulcers and skin sores.

Plumbum (Lead): It is said to help with a constant ringing sound in the ear (tinnitus) and numbness in the hands and feet.

Uranium Nitricum: Treats excessive urination, burning with urination and nausea.

Calendula (Marigold): Helps with skin sores and ulcers.

Candida (Yeast): Helps with yeast infections.

Phosphorus: Helps with symptoms like dry mouth, irregular stools, restlessness due to high sugar levels.

Argentum Metallicum: Given to patients suffering from frequent urination.

Cephalandra Indica: Detoxifies the body and relieves the symptoms of diabetes. It also helps in improving kidney health.

Natrum Muriaticum: Helps the kidneys to remove excess glucose from the bloodstream through urine. It helps in maintaining balance in the body.

Ways to Take Homeopathic Medicines For Diabetes

Homeopathy medicines for diabetes come in different forms. The patient should always consult a doctor before giving the medicine.

Patients can also take homeopathic remedies for diabetes in addition to conventional medicines.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before taking homeopathic medicines.

Read the instructions on the medicine carefully.

Keep medicines away from strong perfumes and fragrances like camphor, eucalyptus etc.

Do not eat anything 30 minutes before or after taking the medicine.

Taking herbal supplements along with homeopathic medicines for diabetes may not be a good idea. Herbal supplements have a tendency to mask the symptoms, and your homeopathic doctor may not be able to properly diagnose you and prescribe the best course of medication.


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