The Hindu University of America offers instruction in philosophical systems based on Hinduism that emphasize critical thinking, morality, and introspection. It trains students for service, leadership, and involvement in the world by fostering Hindu culture and traditions in a setting of academic achievement and independence.
Is Hindu Dharma Relevant in the Modern World? will be explored in this course, which is geared toward a demographic of 18 to 35 years old. In what way, if so? Or has western civilization, science, and technology completely replaced it? The course gives students the opportunity to investigate and learn for themselves the enduring significance of Vedic Hindu thinking in a contemporary setting. It is set up in a conversational format with engaging Questions and Answers and Group Discussion. The training is especially important for people who want to represent and transmit the substance and worth of Vedic teachings in a setting dominated by western concepts, in addition to exploring and embracing Hindu Dharma for themselves, that is, for their own lives.
CONTACT – 407-205-2118
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