If you have a quick look through the Web Symphonies blog archive, you’ll see we mention search engine optimization (SEO) a lot.
Check Your Keyword Strategy
First and foremost, check your keyword strategy. What SEO keywords are you currently using? How well do you rank with them? Have you looked at that data lately?
Did someone say ‘backlink’?
Another way to boost your SEO in Charlotte, NC is to backlink. Backlinks are when another website links to your website.
Jazz Up Your Content
Another way to enhance your Charlotte SEO is to write content and copy that’s dynamic and crawlable by Google’s bots (doesn’t hurt if it’s creative as well!).
Other places to use keywords are the following:
Title tags. Keep them short, include a primary keyword, and identify what your business is about
URLS. They should be short and sweet with a primary keyword
Meta descriptions. Make them interesting for both humans and search engines but also include critical keywords
H1 tags. Use them only once on a page, ideally with your main keyword phrase, but also use (multiple) H2 and H3 tags as well to describe your content.
We know how to do all the things, including boost your SEO. Contact us and we’ll show you what we’re capable of. For More Details Visit us https://www.websymphonies.com/
Web Symphonies
1115 East Morehead Street, Suite 201
Charlotte NC 28204
PH: (704) 336-9113
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